
Developing, CULTIVATING 

AND Deepening Intuitive Skills

Reclaim, trust, and strengthen your innate intuitive gifts

We all have intuition that we can tap into,

but often it’s a whisper that you ignore. And then later you face-palm and say “I knew better!” Yes, you did. You do. You know so much. 

It takes practice to listen to the wisdom, to tap into the knowing, that we have access to.

Our society typically doesn’t value intuition. It’s been dismissed as “women’s intuition” (not fair, everyone has equal access!), which weakens its value for women to use, and makes it taboo for men to ever voice. So we are not taught to use our intuition.

We are taught not to use it. 

We are taught to rely on what others tell us is true.

When we are disconnected from our intuition, we suffer — societally, and individually.


  1. You struggle with self-doubt, wondering if you can even trust your gut (you’ve made decisions that definitely did not serve you in the past!)
  2. You feel drained physically and energetically (you don’t sleep well, but that’s not the only reason for your exhaustion)
  3. You regularly numb yourself with food, alcohol, drugs, social media scrolling, buying stuff you don’t need
  4. You have constant bouts of depression and anxiety but you can’t identify a specific cause
  5. You feel overwhelmed by the information coming in, so you actively try to shut it down

What is intuition?

The Divine is constantly trying to contact you through your energetic system. Some people hear it, some see it, some feel it, some sense it. All of these messages get processed through your pineal gland to make sense of their meaning and bring conscious awareness to the world around you, continually supporting your growth. 

Everyone has it, and it’s not “extra” sensory at all, it’s just a matter of removing cultural, societal, familial, religious and other programs, patterns and beliefs that block you from using it.

When you listen and TRUST it, things flow with ease.

Learning to listen and strengthen your intuition is the doorway to a richer, spiritually connected life in which you are empowered to make choices aligned with your highest self

If you’re }eady to...

  • Reclaim and protect your sacred self, eliminating the need to numb with harmful habits
  • Feel confident in your ability to make decisions, without second-guessing
  • Stop wasting energy on people who take more than they give
  • Connect more deeply to the energies of Spirit and the Earth, and feel strengthened by them


In the Into-You Program, the goal is for you to know, with certainty,
what you need, what you want, and what decisions align with your
highest good.

You may discover new abilities to: 

  • Tell within the first 5 minutes of a first date if the person sitting across from you is going to be the one or break your heart
  • Tune into how your friends, family members and pets are feeling and thinking
  • Have a chat with your passed grandmother over coffee
  • Nourish your body intuitively: ie. What does your liver want to have for dinner? 
  • Know your life’s purpose and the right steps to lead you there

Intuition is your birthright. And once you learn to use it,
it will never steer you wrong. 

“I am truly fortunate to have been a student of Vanessa’s and Rhett’s Intuitive Classes, Phase I and II. They are by far, of the best classes I have ever taken for my personal growth (and I have taken many). I have always considered myself spiritual but had not explored my intuitive abilities, until these programs. Their teachings are easy to follow, in-depth, fun and filled with a wealth of information, practices and tools that I now use daily."

- Jacquelyn Jones

Earth Magic: Into-You Intuitive Development

We offer three phases of the Into-You program and you can take just one, two, or all three.

Phase 1 - Foundation: 13 modules to learn foundational tools to access and trust your intuition. Phase 1 is a prerequisite for Phase 2, 3, & 4. Participants have access to live Q&A with Phase 4. Available November 2024, preorders are available now.

Phase 2 - Expansion: 9 months of weekly 2-hour Zoom classes to gain confidence in your abilities and clear limitations on a deeper level. Many of our students are coaches or healers and use their intuitive training to enhance their work. (Prerequisite: Phase 1) Next class begins January 2026.

Phase 3 - Mentorship: 3 months of weekly Zoom sessions where you will learn to read for the public in a professional capacity, fine-tuning your skills in a safe, supportive environment and receiving guidance on how to improve. (Prerequisite: Phase 1 & 2)

Phase 4 - Community: 3-month membership with a like-minded community where trusting your intuition and living life accordingly is the norm. Readings each month, student-led topics, weekly meditation, monthly Q&A, and other delights. (Prerequisite: Phase 1 & 2)

The magic you will experience:

  • Receive deep grounding techniques that center into your power
  • Learn tools to strengthen your intuitive abilities and psychic senses
  • Play in a safe environment clearing what prevents you from trusting yourself
  • Invigorate your abilities to remember, focus and concentrate
  • Expand your awareness of Spirit and your alignment with your life’s purpose
  • Receive support and accountability cultivating an active meditation practice

In all phases you will receive:

  • Weekly 2-hour group Zoom calls (recorded in case you have to miss!). Phase 3 is occasionally in person.
  • A guided meditation recording for daily use throughout the week
  • Email correspondence for any questions that arise related to the coursework
  • A like-minded community that speaks your language!

“I love Vanessa & Rhett's Into You Intuition Program so much I've done Phase 1 and Phase 2 and now I'm signing up for Phase 3! Vanessa is an amazing teacher and both she and Rhett have a very strong connection to the spirit world. Their programs have helped me develop a deeper trust in my intuition, which has given me more confidence in my decision making process. I also love the beautiful, heart-centered women I have met in the program. They have been an amazing source of support and inspiration to me. The work we have done together has impacted my personal and professional life in profound ways."

- Lisi Kempton, Founder and CEO of Soul Tree Operations

If you have questions or need greater certainty that this program is for you, reach out for more information.


Now is the time to radically trust your innate intuitive abilities
so you can move confidently toward your dreams.

“I have been looking and looking for a way to go deeper for myself. I have a hard time settling down and taking the time to look at the big stuff and asking the big "why" questions. When I met Vanessa, I knew that her program would be the right fit. After working with her and Rhett for the past year I have uncovered so many things in my mind, body and soul. It is so great to have a set of tools available to help me relax, to help me focus, to help me clear and to help protect my energy when I need that too. Thank you Vanessa and Rhett for an amazing class and for sharing your knowledge!"

- Dr. Elyssa Wright, Owner of Body & Balance Chiropractic

Feel grounded, focused and nourished through deepening your connection with the Earth and Spirit so you can have clarity in your purpose, step forward confidently, and find community with magical humans just like you!


to }econnect and }egenerate